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Photo of gonmar (Antonio Gonzalez Martin) Spain

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GONMAR (Antonio Gonzlez Martn) Antonio Gonzlez Martn GONMAR born in Valladolid, beginning his studies in drawing and painting at the School of Arts and Crafts in that city that later expanded by courses improvement in Bogota, Madrid and Paris. He has taught drawing at several centers in Spain and Colombia. He has made over 90 solo exhibitions and many other group (competitions, shows, biennials, etc..) Distributed by...

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GONMAR (Antonio Gonzlez Martn) Antonio Gonzlez Martn GONMAR born in Valladolid, beginning his studies in drawing and painting at the School of Arts and Crafts in that city that later expanded by courses improvement in Bogota, Madrid and Paris. He has taught drawing at several centers in Spain and Colombia. He has made over 90 solo exhibitions and many other group (competitions, shows, biennials, etc..) Distributed by America and Spain. A consequence of this GONMAR has been awarded more than fifty times and his works are in museums, galleries, government entities and private collections in several countries. He was president of ANSIVA (Agrupacin National Association of Fine Arts) and ASAP (Association of Artists Association plastic) in Valladolid. His bibliography is extensive, appearing in books, newspapers, magazines and in the Dictionary of Painters and Sculptors of the twentieth century (Volume VI, Pg. 1768-1769). Has done work as a poster designer and illustrator. His painting has been discussed in all means of dissemination (print, radio, magazines, TV, etc..), By many journalists and critics and abroad. He has served on several juries of paint. He is a member of the Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors and also is part of GROUP MURIEL of Palencia. His works are in museums in nearly two dozen municipalities and provincial and banks throughout the national geography. In the West Territorial Management RENFE. Recovered alcoholics Association of Valladolid. Monzn castle in Palencia and Culture House Clock Tower Olmedo. There are also his work in the Federation of Regional Houses of Castile and Leon in Valladolid, and besides all this where more work is and who feels most proud of is in there in large numbers private collections scattered throughout Spain and various countries in Europe and America. www.gonmararte.com

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